With this activity you can practice the past continuous. Students can work in pairs, one will read the question and the other tries to guess the correct option and reads it. They can interchange roles. They only have eight minutes to complete this exercise, watch the timer! Click this link
Reporting verbs say and tell: Say y tell son verbos similares que producen mucha confusión. 1. Cuando utilizamos "tell" tenemos que añadir el objeto directo (me, you, us), le decimos a alguien algo. Por ejemplo: John told me (that) he was going to be late. ==>" You tell somebody something" 2. "Say" se utiliza para decirle algo a alguien. Es muy utilizado en direct speech acompañado del "to" . Por ejemplo: Ann said goodbye to me and left.==>"You say something to somebody" También se utiliza con el reported speech sin el "to", por ejemplo: John said (that) he would be late. ==>"You say Something" Activity 2: Say vs Tell Say vs Tell activity
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