What time is it?, imagine you are late to school and your cellphone ran out of battery. Oh no! I don't know the time, What time is it?. After watching this video (Click for the video)complete the exercise in this link: Click the link
Reporting verbs say and tell: Say y tell son verbos similares que producen mucha confusión. 1. Cuando utilizamos "tell" tenemos que añadir el objeto directo (me, you, us), le decimos a alguien algo. Por ejemplo: John told me (that) he was going to be late. ==>" You tell somebody something" 2. "Say" se utiliza para decirle algo a alguien. Es muy utilizado en direct speech acompañado del "to" . Por ejemplo: Ann said goodbye to me and left.==>"You say something to somebody" También se utiliza con el reported speech sin el "to", por ejemplo: John said (that) he would be late. ==>"You say Something" Activity 2: Say vs Tell Say vs Tell activity
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